The Resident Foodies


Terrapin Christensen

I'm a jazz drummer and aspiring game developer. My passions include music and gaming, my hobbies include writing, working out, and snowboarding (when I go home to Chicago for the winter).

I grew up cooking with my dad in Chicago, who is still one of the best chefs I know. While I wasn't hugely into cooking, I learned a lot of basic recipes for surviving on my own that I use to keep my belly full. Over time I've developed more of an appreciation for cooking and I enjoy making protein based meals for my post-workout.

  • Drink: Water (stay hydrated!)
  • Food: Orange Chicken
  • Treat: Boston Creme Donuts

Tammy Nguyen

As a Seattle native, I love hiking, camping and traveling. I also spend my time as a permanent makeup artist or creating ice cream recipes.

Over the past few years my relationship with food has drastically changed due to developing over 200+ food allergies. Since then, I’ve tirelessly been on the hunt to find or develop foods that are safe for not only myself, but others who suffer from similar dietary restrictions.

  • Drink: Milk Tea
  • Food: Cá Kho (Caramelized Catfish)
  • Treat: Ice Cream

Andrew Jefferson

My favorite thing to do is listen to classical music while meditating and working out.

  • Drink: Long Island Iced Tea
  • Food: Steak
  • Treat: Dulce de Leche Cheesecake

Alex Kelly

Though I was born and raised in Buffalo, NY I'm a recent LA transplant who's VERY excited to have a year without scraping ice off car windows. In my spare time I love gaming, textile arts, watching horror movies, and spending time with my two rabbits (Boba and Miso) and my partner, Micah.

I spent so much of my childhood in the kitchen with my Oma which imparted a strong connection of food to family, culture, and history. Our family cookbook goes back over 4 generations! It's been fun and challenging to take these recipes and make them my own with a vegan twist.

  • Drink: Rose Latte
  • Food: Miso soup
  • Treat: Creme Brûlée